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In 2000 the school occupied the new building. This was designed with the most modern facilities and is maintained to the high specifications under contract by H and J Martins Facilities Management and Mount Charles.


The school has a wide range of both general and specialist classrooms. Our general classrooms are bright, appealing and well equipped. Each one has an interactive white board.


Our specialist rooms include Science Laboratories, a Library, Art and Design studios, a Music Room including a Recording Studio, Computer Suites, Home Economics rooms, a Fitness Suite, a Design and Technology Centre, a Careers suite, a Drama/Lecture Theatre, a Business Education Room and Language rooms.


In addition the school has a large Assembly Hall/Gymnasium used for PE classes, assemblies and public events, while the Sports Hall provides an indoor facility to compliment the outdoor pitches and sports facilities.


Zest, our restaurant, catering for pupils, staff and guests is run by Mount Charles to the highest standards. School offices are centrally located for ease of pupil access.


Our modern, well maintained facilities provide our staff and pupils with a first class environment for learning and teaching.

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