Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Young learners in Drumglass High school benefit from one period of CEAIG per week in Years 10/11/12. The department features a bespoke Careers room and interview room. The focus is -equipping young leaners to be prepared for future pathways into adult working life. This includes identifying and developing soft skills and value added factors both from within the school curriculum and outside school. The aim is to allow learners to identify and research pathways in further and higher education as well as future employment.
The following areas are discussed and developed in the the following Years.
Year 10
1 Review of your achievements and experiences inside and outside school.
2 Skills barometer information in Northern Ireland.
3 Local Market information in the Dungannon and Cookstown area.
4 Personal Career planning
5 Use of Xello C2k my school Careers package.
6 Preparation for option process.
7 Steps into the future.
Year 11
1 Review of Year 10 and achievements and experiences inside and outside school.
2 Leavers destinations previous year.
3 Labour market information in Dungannon and Cookstwon area.
4 Qualification framework and your options.
5 Importance of English and Maths.
6 How to use a virtual careers search engine i.e. Indeed, NI job finder.
7 Xello using C2K / MY-SCHOOL Career package.
8 Steps into the future Year 11.
9 Personal Career planning PowerPoint challenge
10 What employers want survey
11 Preparation for work experience.
Year 12
1 Links and explanation for role of DFE Careers advisor and survey and interview.
2 Your options at 16.
3 Leavers destinations previous year cohort.
4 Application process and forms
5 Interview technique and Mock interview day
6 Personal Career planning - your research on three options and where you can train.
7 Making the most of an Open day.
8 Career guidance interview by Mr McConnell.
9 Local Labour market information.
10 Xello Careers software on C2k .
11 CV building.
12 Steps into the future.
Throughout the Year information sent by email and facebook about opportunities as well as visiting speakers and institutions promoting future pathways.